Life & Ministry of Jesus 2023 Class at FRC
Class presentations from a nine-week study on Jesus' strategy for making disciples.
Being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ is about the formation of character qualities referred to as the fruit of the Spirit
Practical advice on parenting from some Christian authors I've read
Christian Relationship Checklist
Life is about relationships. God gives us instructions about how to flourish in our many relationships
Are Christians Commanded to Tithe?
No. There is not one verse in the Bible where Christians are commanded to tithe (i.e. give 10%). All proof texts to prove otherwise are misinterpreted.
A two-page study on spiritual gifts. Every Christian has the capacity to glorify God and edify the church. What does the Bible say about these spiritual gifts?
A graph illustrating the scriptural process for the discipline and restoration of a sinning, unrepentant believer
Verses showing God's disapproval of sex outside of His institution of marriage (which is a male-female covenant)
Verses showing God's disapproval of unfaithfulness in association with His institution of marriage
Electronics manufacturers purposely stress their products to identify and correct faults to improve the product. Similarly, the demands of marriage will identify character faults. Correcting these faults is the key to an ever-improving marriage.
My Commitment to Marital Faithfulness
A call to marital faithfulness with a sober assessment of the destructive consequences of adultery
Conflicts in relationships will arise. God's way of resolving conflicts and making peace is always right.
A graph depicting a way to understand God's forgiveness of sinners and our forgiveness of one another
Is it a sin to drink alcohol? watch morally questionable movies? eat pork in front of my Jewish brother who thinks it is wrong? Ad infinitum. It depends.
Daily devotional and other helpful resources
Phil Fernandes sermons and lectures
Dr. Phil Fernandes is a Pastor, Author, and Apologist with hundreds of hours of lectures and sermons available to the public
Tactics for Discussing Christianity
by Greg Koukl, who based on his extensive experience defending Christianity, shows how to initate conversations and clearly, cleverly, and persuasively present the truth
by Norman and David Geisler. The world has changed. A new approach is needed to help people be more willing to hear the gospel.
Article and mp3 on the intersection of Biblical evangelism and Biblical apologetics, and its applicability to all Christians
A series of interviews with gifted and passionate communicators of the gospel. Download the interviews
Pascal's Method for Presenting Christianity
"Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion is not contrary to reason, but worthy of reverence and respect. Next make it attractive, make good men wish it were true, and then show that it is."
with Chip Ingram
article by Dr. Ken Boa
Agape Leadership: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership from the Life of RC Chapman
by Robert L. Peterson and Alexander Strauch
Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Eldership
by Alexander Strauch
video by Ryan Anderson
Correct, Not Politically Correct; How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone
video and book by Frank Turek
Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything
book by Robert R. Reilly
with Dennis Rainey